The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is the national representative body for the 374,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland.
MSU is a Member Organisation (MO) of USI, having chosen to join and reaffirm its membership by Referendum.

USI President - Lorna Fitzpatrick
Lorna Fitzpatrick (she/her) is the 2019 – 2020 President of USI. Lorna graduated from Business & Human Resource Management in Institute of Technology Carlow. While studying in IT Carlow, Lorna got involved in the Students’ Union as a Class Rep, Part-Time Officer, Deputy President for Education and Welfare and spent two years as President of IT Carlow Students’ Union. Lorna left IT Carlow Students’ Union in June 2018 to take up the role of Vice President for the Southern Region with USI.

USI Vice President for the BMW Region | Marie Lyons
Marie graduated with a B.Ed. in Home Economics and Economics. Marie was the President of St. Angela’s College, Sligo Students’ Union for the past year and prior to that was the Vice President for Welfare and Equality and was a Class Representative before that. She has a passion for all things Students’ Union including education, welfare and equality issues. Marie will be representing the Students’ Union’s in Maynooth University, Dundalk IT, Letterkenny IT, St. Angela’s College, Sligo, IT Sligo, NUI Galway, Galway-Mayo IT and Athlone IT and looks forward to working with and supporting the fantastic officers in these unions.
For more infomation please view the USI website: http://usi.ie