Our Social Media

We're Social!

Maynooth SU wants to be as accessible as possible to its members. We operate across a number of platforms which you can find listed below. Follow us to receive news, updates and events listings. Engage with your Officers and see what your Union is doing for YOU!

Note: While our Officers do their best via Social Media we cannot guarantee a response, particularly outside of office hours. If you have an important query you should drop into the SU Info Centre or email frontdesk@msu.ie

If you urgently need to contact someone you can call the Gardaí or Ambulance service on 999 or the Samaritans on 116 123 and NiteLine on 1800793793.



Main Maynooth SU Page (/maynoothSU)
SU Bar & Venue Page (/MSUBarVenue)
MSU President Page: (/MSUPresident)
MSU VP Education Page: (/MSUVPEducation)
MSU VP Welfare & Equality Page: (/MSUWelfareAndEquality)
MSU VP Clubs, Societies & Student Engagement Page: (/MSUVPCSSE)


Maynooth SU Account (@maynoothSU)
MSU President Account (@President_MSU)


Maynooth SU Account (@maynooth_SU)


Maynooth SU Account (@maynoothSU)


Maynooth SU Account (/maynoothSU)