Hello everyone!
My name is Katie and I am so excited to welcome you to Maynooth University and Maynooth Students’ Union. I am a graduate of Maynooth University in Business Management and I will be your SU President for this academic year.
I know when I first started in First year I hadn’t a CLUE about the Union, what it did or why I would need them. However, if you only learn one thing from reading this let it be this; if you have a question about ANYTHING at all the Union is the place to go to get pointed in the right direction. We can do our very best to help you have a wonderful time here.
My job is to represent all of you when the University are making decisions, so if you ever need anything please do let me know. When you engage with your Union it only helps us to help you and to make things better. So whether it be running for Academic REP, Student Senate, going to an event or just having a chat- your involvement means the world to us.
Your college experience can be one of the most amazing things you’ll ever have. However it can be daunting, so make sure if you need it you reach out for help. I'm approachable at all times so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Much love